Home Remedies and Herbs for Anal Soreness

What is Anal Soreness?

Anal soreness is a common condition. The pain is concentrated around the opening of the anus. There can be a variety of different anal soreness causes and in the end, if it becomes a common problem, it is best to speak with a health professional.1

What Causes Anal Soreness?

There are a wide variety of causes of anal soreness. These particular causes can range from minor irritation to larger issues. They can include:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal Fissures
  • Prolapse
  • Anal pressure
  • Bleeding
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 2
  • Anal Abscess

How is Anal Soreness Diagnosed?

Anal soreness can be diagnosed with a simple rectal exam. The exam can be visual to look for exterior causes or internally through a digital exam. This is when a gloved finger is inserted into the anus. Anal soreness is not easy to diagnose but once diagnosed treatment can begin.

How is Anal Soreness Treated?

Treatment of anal soreness can vary. Most of the treatment involves either a pain reliever, cornstarch powder to alleviate wetness which may be a cause of anal soreness due to irritation, or a rectal ointment to soothe the pain. While these may be viable options for treating anal soreness, there are other options. 3

Natural Medicinal Options for Anal Soreness

The best way to combat anal soreness is to try and prevent it from happening. This is not always possible but there are a number of natural options to help the patient obtain relief from their anal soreness. They include:

  • Corn Starch-This particular remedy can be used in a topical way. Using it the same way as the patient would use talcum powder; it can relieve the burning sensation that may accompany anal soreness.
  • Vitamin E- Vitamins are a good way to help with many different medical issues. Vitamin E can be used internally to help give some relief to the patient suffering from anal soreness. It can be taken before bowel movements as it may help soften stools if the patient is experiencing constipation which can make anal soreness worse.
  • Flax Seed Oil-When it comes to this particular remedy for anal soreness, it can be combined with a small dose of Ibuprofen as long as the patient is not allergic. The flax oil itself can be applied topically to provide some relief for anal soreness.


Anal soreness is a condition that by and large is benign. Most of the time it does not have any lasting effects on the patient or their ability to have a full and productive life. That is not to say that it should not be checked out by a doctor if it becomes a nuisance. As with any medical condition, anal soreness can be treated and should be done within the care of a medical doctor. Using the natural remedies listed above in combination with a doctor’s methods can greatly increase the chances of treatment success.



Home remedies, herbs, and food supplements for Anal Soreness

Corn Starch is the most effective natural product for Anal Soreness CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends

Corn Starch

Corn Starch Product 1 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Corn starch has natural health benefits including the ability to heal sore skin. For anal soreness treatment, mix corn starch with cold water until it becomes a paste. Apply corn starch paste as a topical treatment to directly on to affected area. Repeat daily as need.

Flaxseed Oil

Flaxseed Oil Product 2 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

In addition to topical Flax Seed Oil, take Ibuprofen 30 min. before bowel movements, preferable on an empty stomach (not recommended for people with gastric ulcers).

Wheat Germ Oil

Wheat Germ Oil Product 3 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

In addition to topical Wheat Germ Oil, take Ibuprofen 30 min. before bowel movements, preferable on an empty stomach (not recommended for people with gastric ulcers).

Coconut Oil and Cornstarch

Coconut Oil and Cornstarch Product 4 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Product 5 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Product 6 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil Product 7 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Corn Starch and Aloe Vera

Corn Starch and Aloe Vera Product 8 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Vitamin E

Vitamin E Product 9 of 12

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral, Topical

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical