Home Remedies and Herbs for Skin Rash

What is Skin Rash?

A skin rash is not a diagnosis specific to one particular cause or symptom. Skin rashes are a general term for any sort of skin inflammation that results in discoloration or change in the skin’s surface. Presence of a skin rash is indicative of a separate issue that causes the rash. 1,2,3

While the term skin rash has no precise meaning, skin rashes are diagnosed by three particular features that lead to identifying the actual skin rash causes and determining the right treatment. First, the primary feature of the rash is described. That may be the color, texture or intensity. 

Secondly, the rash shape will be peculiar to the cause. This may be described by terms like linear, circular, ring-shaped or snake-like. Finally, the location of the skin rash is useful in diagnosis. 3

Most skin rashes are not dangerous on their own. Rather, skin rashes are a symptom of some underlying cause and the nature of the rash, properly diagnosed, leads to identifying the actual cause. Treatment then follows. 3

What Causes Skin Rash

Skin rash causes can be a number of things. Sometimes skin rash causes are actually a combination of factors that aggravate each other and are amplified by climate or environment conditions such as heat, cold, humidity or dryness. Clothing is another source of skin rash aggravator. 2,3
Skin rash causes may be from: 

  • Fungal infections such as ringworm or yeast infections
  • Bacterial infections caused by staph or strep germs
  • Viral infections like chickenpox, measles or roseola
  • Parasites including mites, bedbugs and other insect bites
  • Allergic reactions like hives or poison ivy
  • Seborrheic dermatitis that is a skin rash on the face
  • Atopic dermatitis or what’s often called eczema
  • Contact dermatitis caused by reaction to a foreign substance
  • Drug eruptions or a skin rash reaction to medication
  • Diaper rash caused by wet or soiled diapers on infants
  • Heat rash caused by occlusion in the sweat ducts in hot weather

Aggravating conditions that worsen skin rash include stress, fatigue, oily or dry skin, weather, soaps, shampoos and also young or old age. 3
Skin Rash Symptoms
The primary skin rash symptoms are reddish discoloration of patches of skin. This is accompanied by an uncomfortable itchy or swelling often amplified by scratching. 3
Other skin rash symptoms include:

  • Specific pattern or shape like round, linear ring or snake features
  • Spreading of the rash to other body areas
  • Bleeding or pus in extreme cases

Natural Remedies and Herbs for Skin Rash
Skin rash natural remedies are very effective in relieving the itch, swelling and uncomfortable irritation associated with skin rashes regardless of their actual cause.
The most effective skin rash natural remedies are:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - ACV is widely used for all sorts of ailments including skin rash. The acids in apple cider vinegar act as an anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial topical treatment that relieves swelling and infection.
  • Aloe Vera - Juice from the aloe vera plant is one of the best natural home  treatments for all sorts of skin ailments, including skin rash. Aloe vera juice is applied topically to the rash area.
  • Calendula Oil - Calendula oil is derived from the marigold plant. It treats skin rash caused by infections by acting as an astringent that detoxifies the skin rash. Calendula oil should be applied in full strength directly to the skin rash and surrounding area.
  • Cayenne Pepper - Cayenne pepper is rich in Vitamins C, E and several anti-oxidants that are effective in treating skin rash. Cayenne pepper should be applied carefully to the skin and avoid contact with the mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Olive Oil - Extra-virgin olive oil is an excellent skin moisturizer. Being rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E, olive oil works to reduce itching and soothe skin rash on face and other areas of the body.
  • Baking Soda - Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda helps to dry skin rash and relieve the discomfort. Baking soda works best when applied as a damp poultice directly to the skin rash.




Home remedies, herbs, and food supplements for Skin Rash

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is the most effective natural product for Skin Rash CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) Product 1 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral, Topical

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a topical treatment to treat itchy skin rash. It also works as an anti-bacterial to help heal skin rash as well. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply to affected area. Repeat throughout the day as needed.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera Product 2 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Aloe is commonly used to treat skin conditions including rashes. Apply natural aloe vera juice from a plant or gel product directly to affected skin. Gently massage for cooling sensation. Repeat as needed until skin rash vanishes.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper Product 3 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral, Topical

Cayenne spice is a natural remedy used to help treat skin rashes by relieving pain. Use cayenne as a topical treatment for skin rashes. Apply cayenne pepper spice directly to affected skin rash using a moist cotton ball as application. Leave on for several minutes and then wash off and repeat as needed.

Calendula Oil

Calendula Oil Product 4 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Calendula oil is from the marigold flower that is often used as a natural skin rash remedy. It helps to treat infections by acting as an astringent to detoxify. Apply natural calendula oil directly to the affected skin to soothe itchiness. Repeat as often as needed.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil Product 5 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

For sensitive skin, use olive oil as a topical treatment on skin rashes. Olive oil has natural anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial health benefits that can help soothe itchy and irritate skin. Gently massage olive oil into skin to help moisturize. Continue applying multiple times daily until skin rash visibly improves.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda Product 6 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral, Topical


Heartsease Product 7 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral

Comfrey Leaf

Comfrey Leaf Product 8 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical


Acacia Product 9 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical


Arnica Product 10 of 55

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical