Home Remedies and Herbs for Toothache

What is Toothache?

Toothaches, (also termed dental pain, odontalgia, dentalgia, odontodynia, or odontogenic pain) are discomfort in and around the teeth and jaws. Toothaches can be mild or severe, come and go, or be constant. Toothache pain can be worse at night, particularly when lying down. Eating or drinking can make the toothaches worse, particularly if the substance is overly hot or cold. Toothache symptoms can be difficult to determine if the pain is in upper or lower teeth. Aches centered in lower teeth can feel like uppers and vice-versa. A dentist should be consulted for toothaches lasting over two days. Fortunately, toothache symptom relief is available from a number of toothache home remedies.

What Causes Toothache?

Toothache symptoms are generally the result of inflammation of the soft, center part of the tooth, however toothache pain can have any number of different causes: 1,2,3

  • Cavities (tooth decay)
  • An accumulation of food and debris between your teeth
  • Infection at the root of the tooth
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Damaged fillings
  • Repetitive motions (chewing or grinding)
  • Infected and ulcerated gums
  • Alveolar osteitis - "dry socket", a possible complication of tooth extraction
  • Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis - a gum infection, also called "trenchmouth"
  • Periapical abscess – pus at the end of the tooth caused by a bacterial infection
  • Periodontal abscess – pus in the gums caused by a bacterial infection
  • Sinusitis – sinus infections causing pain around the upper jaw
  • Injuries to teeth and jaws

Toothache Symptoms

Tooth and mouth pain are primary toothache symptoms but the type of pain can vary and present itself in multiple ways: 1,2,3

  • Sharp, throbbing, or constant pain
  • Tooth pain that only occurs when pressure is applied
  • Swelling, painful gums
  • Bad taste in the mouth (from an infection in a tooth)
  • Fever or headache
  • Increased pain when chewing
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food
  • Bleeding around the tooth or gums
  • Swelling around the tooth
  • Swelling of the jaw

Toothache symptoms often start suddenly and can vary from mild discomfort to agonizing pain. Professional treatment may be necessary in chronic toothache cases but for acute events, there are many toothache pain relief home remedies.

Natural Remedies and Herbs for Toothache

Nature provides many organic sources for controlling toothache symptoms and supplying toothache home remedies. The best substances for toothache pain relief are:

  • Garlic - Garlic is the most effective, readily available, and economical treatment for toothache pain relief. It’s applied to the gums around the affected tooth in raw or powdered form. Application should be several times daily for three days.
  • Clove Oil - Clove oil is also applied to the gums and has an immediate numbing, anesthetic relief of toothache pain. Whole or ground dried cloves can also be used and are particularly effective for dry sockets.
  • Vanilla Extract - Vanilla Extract is a liquid home remedy that’s swabbed on the gums for pain relief. It’s fast acting and has a calming side effect.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar and Warm Water - Apple Cider Vinegar is mixed with warm water as an oral rinse. It’s swished in the mouth, then spit or swallowed. Three to four applications per day are required to relieve toothache symptoms.
  • Onion - The antiseptic qualities from chewing raw onion are a well-known toothache pain relief. Only a small piece of onion is necessary and, despite the strong odor, it’s highly effective.
  • Activated Charcoal - U. S. Pharmacopoeia (USP) charcoal powder has been used for centuries as treatment for toothache, gum disease, and canker sores. It’s applied topically and available in most drug stores.

With relief readily available through these economical and effective home remedies, there’s no need to suffer from toothache pain.



Home remedies, herbs, and food supplements for Toothache

Garlic is the most effective natural product for Toothache CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends


Garlic Product 1 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Apply the garlic with a sprinkle of salt to the affected tooth. If you do not have fresh garlic you can use garlic powder. Do this for a few times a day for about 3 days.

Clove Oil

Clove Oil Product 2 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

When applied to the gums, this oil can act as a numbing agent to the nerves causing the pain. A drop of pure clove oil is all you need. You can apply it as needed as it is not known to interact with any medications.

Vanilla Extract

Vanilla Extract Product 3 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Use a cotton swab to apply to the tooth that is affected. The extract has a numbing effect. It also has a calming effect. You can do this 3 times a day until the pain is gone.

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral

Take two tablespoons of ACV in warm water. Swish in the mouth as you would a mouthwash. You can either spit it out or swallow it if you wish. Do this a few times a day while the toothache is still bothering you.


Drynaria Product 5 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: , Tea

Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal Product 6 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical


Onion Product 7 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Chew a small piece of onion to relieve pain. The antiseptic qualities can help relieve the pain. You can do this a couple times a day for relief.


Peroxide Product 8 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Rinses


Tarragon Product 9 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical


Turpentine Product 10 of 59

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical