Black Eyed Pea Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Black Eyed Pea

Scientific Name: Vigna unguiculata

Common Names: blackeye pea, black-eye pea, bachapin bean, black-eyed bean, black eyed cowpea, black eyed dolichos

Properties: Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial, Wound-healing

What is Black Eyed Pea?

Black eyed pea is the edible legume that comes from the Vigna unguiculata plant, also known as cowpea. Black eyed peas are believed to be native to western Africa and are cultivated as crops in warm regions around the world.1

Black Eyed Pea Health Uses and Health Benefits

Black eyed peas health benefits include being a rich source of protein that’s also low in fat. Black eyed peas are believed to be a good functional food for diabetes and heart disease management due to their soluble fiber content. Black eyed peas also contain vitamins and antioxidant substances that have anti-inflammatory effects that may prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.1,2,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Black Eyed Pea for:

Diabetes Effective
Anemia Effective
Memory Loss Effective
Itching Effective
Stomach Ache Effective