Homocystinuria is a rare, inherited disorder that prevents the baby from properly processing certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. By not properly processing these amino acids it can cause a buildup of substances in the blood and urine which can harm the body.1 2 3 There are different types of homocystinuria. The different types have different genetic causes and produce different signs and symptoms. The most common form affects vision and causes blood clotting and skeletal abnormalities.1 It is believed that around 1 in every 250,000 babies born are affected by homocystinuria.3
Homocystinuria causes are due to an inherited condition. It is considered an autosomal recessive trait. This means that the baby must have inherited a mutated copy of this gene from each parent in order for homocystinuria to fully develop.2 However, the parents usually don’t have any symptoms themselves.3 If the baby only receives one mutated gene from one parent, then they will just be a carrier for homocystinuria.3 If two carriers of the homocystinuria gene have a baby then it will result in:3
It’s not possible to prevent homocystinuria causes. However, you can let your doctor know if either you or your partner have a family history of homocystinuria.
Most homocystinuria symptoms develop within the first year of life. However, milder cases of the condition may not produce symptoms until later childhood or into adulthood. General homocystinuria symptoms include delayed development and vision problems.1 2 Specific homocystinuria symptoms include:1 2 3
Homocystinuria also can affect the child’s development. They may experience intellectual disabilities and mental disorders caused by brain damage.3 If you and your partner are carriers, you can have your children tested for homocystinuria as soon as possible so that they can begin to receive proper treatment.3 There are several homocystinuria natural treatments that can help address certain homocystinuria symptoms.
Folic Acid is the most effective natural product for Homocystinuria CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Taking a folic acid supplement may help to treat symptoms of homocystinuria. Take a daily folic acid supplement by following the dosage directions on the product label.
Vitamin B6 is folate, which can help treat Homocystinuria. Vitamin B6 is available as a supplement to take daily. Follow the dosage instructions on the product label.
Spinach is a food that’s high in folic acid, which is important for people with Homocystinuria. Eat 1 cup of spinach daily.