Laryngitis is a condition where the larynx or voice box becomes inflamed and causes the voice to be distorted from its normal tone. Most cases of laryngitis are acute, or sudden and temporary. Occasionally, laryngitis can be chronic or long term and symptomatic of damage to the vocal cords.1 2 The larynx is a tube-like structure in the throat found at the entrance to the windpipe or trachea. The larynx lump on the exterior of the throat is called the Adam’s apple. It’s generally more pronounced or larger in men and explains why men’s voices are usually deeper than women.2 The larynx has three main functions:2
Inside the larynx are two folds of mucous membrane covering muscle and cartilage. These are the vocal cords. In normal operation, the vocal cords open and close smoothly forming sounds through their vibration and movement. When the vocal cords are inflamed and swollen, their tone changes and the voice becomes hoarse. Some cases of laryngitis result in the voice becoming a whisper or barely audible at all.1 Laryngitis is almost always temporary and caused by acute conditions. Laryngitis lasting longer than 3 weeks is considered chronic and may be indicative of a serious issue. Acute laryngitis can easily be treated by resting the voice and with laryngitis home remedies. Chronic laryngitis may require medical intervention.1 2 3
The primary laryngitis symptoms are a change in voice such as hoarseness, high pitch, whispering or being barely audible. Rarely does the voice disappear completely. Other laryngitis symptoms include:1 2 3
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is the most effective natural product for Laryngitis CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Apple cider vinegar can help to treat laryngitis by killing off bacteria. It can also help soothe a sore throat caused by laryngitis. Dilute 2 tablespoons of ACV into one glass of hot water. Drink 3 times daily.
Ginger can be used to help treat laryngitis. Ginger has anti-inflammatory health benefits that can soothe the voice box. Chop up a few thin slices of raw ginger and eat them twice daily. Or you can brew a ginger tea by infusing grated ginger into hot water.
The combination of salt and warm water can help to kill off bacteria in the throat. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt to a cup of warm water. Gargle for 1-2 minutes or as long as you can. Repeat twice daily.
Garlic can be used to kill of bacterial infections and is also acts as a natural expectorant to help clear airways. Chew one raw, peeled garlic clove daily to relieve laryngitis.
Slippery elm is an herbal remedy that can be used for laryngitis by coating the mucous membranes and provide sore throat relief. Add slippery elm to a glass of water and let it foam into a gel substance. Drink the gel several times daily.