Bloodroot leaf is the leaf from the bloodroot plant, also known as Sanguinaria canadensis. Bloodroot is a perennial flowering herb native to the eastern region of North America. It grows naturally from Quebec down to Florida.
Bloodroot is a small plant, growing only up to 7 inches tall. It produces pale green lobed leaves that grow around the flower bud. As the flower bud emerges and blossoms it spreads outward, parting the leaf wrap.
Many parts of the bloodroot plant have been used in traditional medicine. However, the bloodroot leaf has important health benefits that have long been used by medicine men and women of North America.
Bloodroot Leaf Health Uses and Health Benefits
Bloodroot leaves can be used as a topical treatment or can be made into a poultice or paste. The bloodroot paste has long been used as a skin treatment. Bloodroot leaf health benefits include helping to heal skin infections wounds,
Bloodroot leaf has natural antiseptic properties that help to clean and disinfect skin wounds. Crushed bloodroot leaf and its extract can also be applied topically to fungal infections, including ringworm. The liquid extract from the bloodroot leaf can also be used as a natural insect repellent.
Bloodroot leaf also