Butterbur Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Petasites hybridus, Petasites officinalis, Tussilago hybrida

Common Names: Petasites, Purple Butterbur

Properties: Antihistamine, Diuretic, Immune system booster, Anti-inflammatory, Astringent, Antispasmodic, Analgesic, Diaphoretic

What is Butterbur?

Butterbur is a creeping plant with its own genus called Petasites and is closely related to the sunflower plant. Butterbur is native to Europe and parts of North America and Asia. It grows in bogs and marshes and other wet, low-lying areas, such as along riversides.1,2

Traditionally, butterbur leaves were used to wrap up butter during the summer months to prevent it from melting. This is where the name “butterbur” comes from. Butterbur was also traditionally used during the Middle Ages to treat a variety of conditions.

Today, butterbur continues to be sold commercially as a complementary or alternative remedy for certain ailments. Typically, the root is where the primary butterbur benefits come from and what is used to produce butterbur products.

Butterbur Health Uses and Health Benefits

Butterbur benefits for health are derived from its content of chemical compounds, including petasin and isopetasin. Both of these compounds have been studied as an effective remedy for improving the severity and duration of migraines and headaches.1,3

As a natural health remedy, butterbur has traditionally been consumed as a dried root powder. Butterbur is also used as a tonic for the treatment of a number of illnesses. Some of the butterbur benefits for improved health include:

  • Helping to relieve muscle tension and spasms
  • Relieving pain
  • Lowering inflammation levels
  • Improving heart health
  • Providing diuretic support
  • Boosting immune system function
  • Lowering fevers
  • Improving respiration

Because of the diverse butterbur benefits, it can be used as an effective natural remedy for the following conditions:

  • Migraine - Several studies have proven the effectiveness of butterbur for migraines. Butterbur extract made from the root of the plant has been proven to help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraines.
  • Post-nasal Drip - Butterbur is a natural expectorant helping to improve respiration, alleviate congestion and stop post-nasal drip.
  • Allergy (Allergies) - Butterbur has also been studied for its effectiveness in treating hay fever and other allergic reactions.
  • Headache - Butterbur extract can be taken to help stop headaches ranging from mild to severe.

Butterbur Side Effects and Precautions

Butterbur side effects can happen when taken in a raw, unprocessed form. Butterbur contains plant chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), which can cause liver damage and toxicity. Butterbur products, however, are generally safe to use for adults and children.1




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CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Butterbur for:

Post-nasal Drip Effective
Headache Effective