Iodine Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Povidone iodine

Common Names: Povidone-iodine, Povidone Iodine

Properties: Antibacterial, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Antiseptic, Tonic, Expectorant, Anti-allergenic, Anti-tumor, Radiation side effects protector

What is Iodine?

Iodine is a trace mineral that is essential for normal development, growth and sustainment of the human body. Iodine controls proper functioning of the thyroid gland that secretes hormones which control the body’s base metabolic rate. The human body would fail to function without iodine. 1,2,3
Iodine exists in every organ and tissue in the body and it’s a basic requirement to keep people alive and energized. About 60 percent of the body’s iodine reserve is stored in the thyroid gland and an iodine deficiency is responsible for the majority of thyroid disorders. 1,2
The thyroid depends on a proper balance of iodine. Either too much or too little can present serious health problems. It’s common in the western world for a deficiency in iodine. It’s estimated that up to 50 percent of the western population has an iodine deficiency and for that reason, many processed foods are required to be fortified with iodine.  1
A main natural source of iodine comes from seafood like fish and green sea vegetables. Marine organics are able to extract iodine from the salt water and store them which the body readily processes and naturally metabolizes. 3
Signs and symptoms of iodine deficiency include: 

  • Poor saliva production
  • Poor digestion
  • Headaches
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Dry and blemished skin
  • Muscle weakness and pain
  • Poor concentration and retention of information
  • Increased risk of thyroid disorder
  • Increased risk of fibromyalgia

Iodine Health Uses and Health Benefits
Notable iodine health benefits from a healthy intake and balance can be:

  • Proper metabolic rate
  • Strong immune system
  • Excellent energy level
  • Healthy reproductive system
  • Reduced risk of hypothyroidism
  • Reduced risk of cancer
  • Reduced risk of fibrocystic disease
  • Healthy skin, teeth, nails and hair

Due to the many iodine health benefits, this mineral can be used as a natural remedy. Iodine uses include:

  • Ringworm - Ringworm is not caused by a worm. It’s a term for a skin disorder caused by a fungal infection under the skin surface that results in painful areas. Ringworm is highly contagious. An application of 7 percent iodine directly to the infected area kills the ringworm fungi.
  • Vaginosis - Vaginosis is an imbalance of the healthy and unhealthy bacteria always present in the vagina. Like most bacteria, vaginosis can be treated with natural products like a douche composed of ¼ teaspoon of iodine mixed with a cup of warm water.
  • Hypothyroidism - Hypothyroidism is aggravated by either too much iodine in the body or too little. A proper ratio of iodine must be maintained and supplements are readily available to boost iodine levels.
  • Fibrocystic Breast - Another one of the top iodine uses is to help Iodine relieve discomfort from fibrocystic breasts. Over 90 percent of American women have fibrous breast tissue that can cause irritation and pain. This includes nodules and non-cancerous cysts. Healthy skin should contain about 20 percent of the body’s iodine content. A lack of sufficient iodine can cause an increase in breast fiber and cysts.
  • Skin Cancer - Research indicates that an iodine deficiency may be linked to skin cancer. As a precaution, iodine supplements may be effective in bringing iodine levels to a healthy level as a preventative measure against skin cancer.
  • Ovarian Cyst - Studies also show some relation between low iodine levels and ovarian cysts. The greater the iodine deficiency, the more ovarian cysts appear to take place.

Iodine Side Effects and Precautions
There are limited iodine side effects. It is difficult to overdose on as the body will naturally expel an excess amount. It’s far more serious to go for long periods with an iodine deficiency than an excess. Iodine amounts over 2,000 mg in the body are considered dangerous. 3
Iodine side effects include precautions for pregnant and breastfeeding women.3
Research has shown that bromine which is found in plastic food containers causes a depletion of iodine in the body. Bromine blocks iodine-rich foods from being absorbed and leads to iodine deficiency. 1




CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Iodine for:

Ringworm Effective
Vaginosis Effective
Hypothyroidism Effective
Fibrocystic Breast Effective
Ovarian Cyst Effective
Skin Cancer Effective
Breast Cancer Effective
Wounds Effective
Boils Effective
Staph Infection Effective
Acne Effective
Cancer Effective
Diabetes Effective
Prostate Cancer Effective
Yeast Infection Effective
Weight Loss Effective
Shingles Effective
Plantar Warts Effective