Rose Hip Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Rose Hip

Scientific Name: Rosa canina

Common Names: Rosehip, Rose Hips, Rosehips, Dog Rose, Haggebutt, Wild Rose

Properties: Antibacterial, Antidepressant, Anti-viral, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Blood circulation, Digestive stimulant, Expectorant, Cleansing, Superfood

What is Rose Hip?

Rose hip is the edible fruit from the rose bush plant. It’s also known as rose hep or rose haw and belongs to the same family of fruits as crabapples and apples. A small, round berry, rose hips are red or orange in color but some varieties can be dark purple or black. They usually have a tart flavor, similar to crabapples. While you can eat raw rose hips, it’s more common to take rose hip in dried form, as a tea or as a syrup. Rose hip essential oils are also very popular in aromatherapy and offer plenty of healing benefits.1

Rose Hip Health Uses and Health Benefits

Rose hip health benefits are often associated with their high vitamin C content. Containing nearly 200% of the recommended daily intake, the vitamin C content in rose hips can help improve the immune system. Rose hips are also high in vitamin A, a nutrient responsible for improved eye health.1,2

Rose hips are also a good source of trace minerals, including manganese, which is responsible for wound healing and preventing inflammation. The manganese, vitamin C and vitamin D content in rose hips can help treat skin problems and make the skin appear more youthful. Rose hip oil can also help protect the skin from UV damage and other blemishes.1

Other rose hip health benefits include:

  • Reducing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms
  • Improving digestion
  • Reducing blood sugar levels
  • Regulating blood pressure



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Rose Hip for:

Breast Cancer Effective
Constipation Effective
Emphysema Effective
Glaucoma Effective
Osteoarthritis Effective
Stroke Effective
Wrinkles Effective
Wounds Effective
Kidney Disease Effective