Squawvine Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses


Scientific Name: Mitchella repens L.

Common Names: Checkerberry, Deerberry, Hive vine, One-berry, One-berry leaves, Partridgeberry, Squawberry, Twin-berry, Winter clover.

Properties: Antiseptic, Antispasmodic, Aromatic

What is Squawvine?

Squawvine is the Mitchella repens plant, an evergreen herb that grows in North American forests. Traditionally, squawvine was harvested by Native American women for its berries and used to make herbal teas and medicinal remedies.1,2

Squawvine Health Uses and Health Benefits

The traditional health benefits of squawvine were as an herbal tea that aided in childbirth. It was taken by Native American women to reduce menstrual cramps and prevent miscarriage when taken in the weeks before delivery. Other squawvine uses have included alleviating anxiety and depression symptoms, relieving fatigue and reducing inflammation and soreness. Squawvine is also a natural diuretic for alleviating edema and improving kidney health.1,2



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Squawvine for:

Diarrhea Effective
Edema Effective
Menstrual Problems Effective
Muscle Cramps Effective
Kidney Failure Effective
Liver Disease Effective
Dysentery Effective