As the most consumed drink in the world, black tea is extremely popular and has been widely studied for its health benefits. Black tea is made from the dried, young leaves from the Camellia sinensis or tea plant. Other varieties of tea, like white and green, also come from this plant. However, black tea goes through a greater oxidation process, making it much stronger in flavor and more potent in health benefits.
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Tea (Black Tea) Health Uses and Health Benefits
Black tea is an antioxidant-rich beverage. Its primary source of antioxidants is from polyphenols—plant compounds that help control the growth of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are substances that cause cellular damage and lead to chronic disease. Because black tea has such a high concentration of polyphenols, it’s been studied for its benefits in protecting against heart disease and other conditions.1
Research has shown that consuming black tea helps stabilize and manage certain factors that lead to heart disease, including bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels. Black tea can also help reduce the risk of stroke and type 2 diabetes.1
Other black tea health benefits include:
Black tea has also shown to have antibacterial properties and can help treat bacterial infections.1