Watermelon Seed Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Watermelon Seed

Scientific Name: Citrullus lanatus

Common Names: Watermelon Seeds

Properties: Immune system booster, Anti-ageing, Antiglycemic (Antidiabetic), Skin-care, Brain booster

What is Watermelon Seed?

Watermelon seeds are the seeds from the watermelon fruits, also known as Citrullus vulgaris. Watermelons contain dozens of small, thin black or white seeds. Seeds vary in shape and size depending on the variety of watermelon. Some watermelons have been cultivated to be seedless, however, most varieties contain seeds. 1

It’s common to discard the seeds when eating watermelon. But watermelon seeds actually have plenty of important health benefits and should not go to waste. To consume watermelon seeds, you can remove them from the pulp, dry them out in the sun, and the roast them.

Watermelon Seeds Health Uses and Health Benefits

Watermelon seeds health benefits come from their rich nutritional profile. Many people don’t know this, but watermelon seeds are a high source of protein. Consuming 1 cup of watermelon seeds gives you 30g of protein. While watermelon seeds consist of several amino acids, the primary one is arginine. Arginine is important for controlling blood pressure and preventing heart disease. 2

Watermelon health benefits also include being an excellent source of B vitamins, which help to convert food sources into usable energy. Watermelon seeds are especially rich in vitamin B3 (niacin), but also contain vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and more. 2,3

Other watermelon seed uses include helping with:

  • Regulating blood sugar
  • Reducing high cholesterol
  • Improving digestion
  • Boosting cognitive function



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Watermelon Seed for:

Prostate Cancer Effective
Prostatitis Effective
Diabetes Effective
Indigestion Effective
Peptic Ulcer Effective
Weight Loss Effective