Weeping Birch Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Weeping Birch

Scientific Name: Betula pendula

Common Names: Birch, silver birch, common birch, European white birch, abedul común, abedul de Europa, abedul verrugoso, abedul llorón?, abedul péndulo

Properties: Diuretic, Detoxifier, Anti-inflammatory, Immune stimulant, Tonic, Digestive aid, Blood purifier

What is Weeping Birch?

Weeping birch is the Betula pendula species of tree, also known as silver birch. Native to Europe, weeping birch is a tall, fast-growing tree with a recognizable silver or white colored bar. Its bark, sap and leaves are all used in herbal medicine and to make herbal tea.1

Weeping Birch Health Uses and Health Benefits

Weeping birch health benefits include being an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying tonic. Primarily, weeping birch has been used to help alleviate inflammatory conditions such as rheumatism, arthritis and eczema. It also has natural diuretic properties, making it a natural treatment for detoxifying the kidneys and urinary tract. It can also help promote urination and alleviating edema.2,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Weeping Birch for:

Rheumatism Effective
Gout Effective
Indigestion Effective
Kidney Disease Effective
Edema Effective