Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice

Properties: Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Immune system booster, Anti-ageing, Anti-inflammatory, Nutritive, Anti-tumor

What is Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice?

Apple, beetroot and carrot juice are common ingredients used in smoothie and juicing recipes to promote natural health, nutrition and disease prevention. Apple, beetroot and carrot juice can be blended together and taken daily as a healthy beverage.

Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice Health Uses and Health Benefits

Apple, beetroot and carrot juice health benefits include being a natural anti-inflammatory remedy that is rich in antioxidant and immune-boosting substances. Taking apple, beetroot and carrot juice daily can help promote good digestive health due to all three fruits and vegetables being rich sources of fiber. The antioxidant content in apple, beetroot and carrot juice are important for preventing chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline.1,2,3



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Apple, Beetroot and Carrot Juice for:

Anemia Effective
Cancer Effective
Lung Cancer Effective
Memory Loss Effective
Weight Loss Effective