Vitamin B7 Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses

Vitamin B7

Scientific Name: Biotin

Common Names: Biotin, Biocytin, Coenzyme R, Rhizobium Growth Factor, Vitamin H, W Factor

Properties: Antibiotic, Antiglycemic (Antidiabetic), Nervine

What is Vitamin B7?

Vitamin B7 is one of eight B vitamins that belongs to the group of vitamins called B complex. Also called biotin, vitamin B7 operates on the digestive, metabolic, nerve and cardiovascular systems. It acts in the body as a coenzyme to help metabolize amino acids, fatty acids and glucose. Vitamin B7 essentially helps to convert proteins, fats and carbohydrates into usable energy for optimal physical health. 1

The body doesn’t naturally produce biotin, so it must be obtained through vitamin B7 food sources like fish, organ meats, eggs, legumes, mushrooms and avocados. 1 Because there are only small daily requirements for vitamin B7, it’s very rare to have a vitamin B7 deficiency. 2

Vitamin B7 Health Uses and Health Benefits

Because it’s an essential vitamin for many different parts of the body, there are several vitamin B7 health benefits. The primary vitamin B7 health benefit is its support for metabolic function. Vitamin B7 helps the body obtain all the macronutrients it needs from protein, fat and carbohydrate foods. This helps ensure you have adequate energy levels and can prevent chronic disease like diabetes or digestive disorders. 1,2

Vitamin B7 uses can also be helpful for treating adrenal fatigue because biotin supports healthy thyroid activity. 1

Other vitamin B7 health benefits include:

  • Maintaining skin, hair and nail health
  • Building muscles and tissues
  • Preventing against cardiovascular disease
  • Boosting cognitive function



CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends Vitamin B7 for:

Diabetes Effective
Weight Loss Effective
Crohn's Disease Effective
Heart Disease Effective
Vaginosis Effective