Infections of the inner ear are extremely common. Over three-quarters of children will suffer an ear infection by their third birthday and they regularly occur in adults. The infections usually affect the inner ear and the condition is known as otitis media.1,4
The middle ear is located right behind the eardrum and is where the tiny vibrating bones are located. The area is drained by the Eustachian tubes that connect the middle ear to the back of the throat. It’s also associated with the adenoids.2,3
Almost all ear infections are viral, not bacterial, which is why antibiotics are totally ineffective in treating ear infections. Most ear infections are acute which means they come on suddenly and don’t last long. Acute ear infections are readily treatable with natural remedies, unlike chronic ear infections which are long-lasting or continual.2,3,6,7
What Causes Ear Infection?
Ear infection causes are usually because the Eustachian tube has become blocked and unable to drain fluids from the middle ear. When the Eustachian tube is blocked, fluid builds up and leads to infections. This compounds if the adenoids are already infected and the virus travels through the tubes to the ear. 2,3
Allergies can also cause ear infections as can colds and sinus infections. Secondary tobacco smoke is suspected as well.3
Ear infections in kids are extremely common and children who spend a lot of their time on their back with a bottle are more susceptible due to slower drainage of the Eustachian tubes. Contrary to popular belief, ear infections are not caused by getting water in the ear unless there’s a hole in the eardrum. Most ear infections occur in the winter.2,3,6
Ear Infection Symptoms
Ear infection symptoms are usually very obvious. They come on quickly and present as a continuous, nagging pain in the inner ear. Other common ear infection symptoms are:
Natural Remedies and Herbs for Ear Infection
Peroxide is the most effective natural product for Ear Infection CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Diluted hydrogen peroxide can be used to help treat ear infections. Combine 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 3 parts water in a bowl. Lay on one side so your infected ear is facing up. Slowly pour the mixture into your ear and let it settle. Then roll over and drain the remaining liquid out of your ear.
Garlic has natural antiviral and antibacterial health benefits. Add drops of garlic oil directly into your infected ear to relieve pain and to help fight infection. Or insert a raw or slightly warmed garlic clove into the ear. Repeat daily as needed.
A natural remedy used to treat ear infections is to use one’s own urine. Capture your urine in a Styrofoam cup and pour a small amount into your infected ear. Let it sit for less than 2 minutes and drain out.
Wheat germ oil has natural antioxidant properties which can help restore the health of an infected ear. Apply several drops of wheat germ oil directly into the infected ear and let sit. Then drain out the excess oil. Repeat daily as needed.
Flaxseed oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help alleviate the pain caused by ear infections. Slowly drop flaxseed oil into ear and let sit for a few minutes. Then drain out the excess oil. Repeat daily as needed.