Home Remedies and Herbs for Body Odor

What is Body Odor?

Body odor is a condition that causes the affected person to emit a strong foul odor at varying times. Though there are several body odor causes, there is a specific genetic condition called trimethylaminuria that causes fishy smelling body odor. It is a rare metabolic condition that can often be treated with natural remedies as well as following a specific trimethylaminuria diet.1

What Causes Body Odor?

There are several body odor causes and sometimes it can simply be caused by excessive sweating. But trimethylaminuria is caused due to an inability to break down trimethylamine which is a chemical compound that has a pungent odor. Trimethylamine itself smells like fish, eggs, garbage or urine which is what causes the body odor.1 Body odor causes are also genetic. Trimethylaminuria is caused by the mutation of a specific gene called FM03. This gene has a responsibility in the body’s production of an enzyme that breaks down chemicals from the diet such as trimethylamine. When these enzymes are produced, breakdown these smelly compounds into odorless molecules. 1,5 When this gene is not functioning properly, then the enzymes cannot be produced and therefore these smelly compounds remain in the system and an excess of these compound sis what causes the body odor.1,5 Other body odor causes may include:2

  • Excess proteins in the diet
  • Liver or kidney disease
  • Poor hygiene
  • Gingivitis
  • Stress

Body Odor Symptoms

Body odor symptoms may be different for everyone depending on what the body odor causes are. Here are some body odor symptoms:1,2,3

  • Excessive sweating that disrupts daily routine
  • Noticeable change in body odor
  • Fishy or rotten egg smell
  • Foul smell coming from sweat, urine or breath

There is a specific trimethylaminuria diet to follow which includes avoiding eating foods like fish, eggs, liver and legumes. 4,5

Natural Remedies and Herbs for Body Odor

Here are the top body odor natural remedies to try using at home:

  • Baking Soda - Baking soda is a top body odor natural cure because it can help to neutralize odors.
  • Lemon - To help neutralize body odor, restore pH levels and kill off odor-causing bacteria, use lemon as a body odor natural remedy.
  • Vinegar - Vinegar can also help to neutralize body odor as it has natural antibacterial health benefits that can fight off the digestive bacteria that causes body odor.
  • Baking Soda and Lemon - By combining baking soda and lemon together it creates an effective body odor natural remedy that neutralizes odor and helps kill digestive bacteria.
  • Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll is a natural body odor cure. Chlorophyll is the substance responsible for the green pigment of leafy green vegetables and algae. It is an antioxidant that can remove odor-causing toxins from the body.
  • Baking Soda and Cornstarch - The combination of baking soda and cornstarch together create an effective solution to naturally treat body odor. Together they help to neutralize odor and absorb excess sweat.



Home remedies, herbs, and food supplements for Body Odor

Baking Soda is the most effective natural product for Body Odor CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends

Baking Soda

Baking Soda Product 1 of 6

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Baking soda is a safe and natural deodorizer that can also be used to treat body odor. Apply baking soda directly to under arms daily to prevent body odor.


Vinegar Product 2 of 6

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Eat, Topical


Lemon Product 3 of 6

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Lemon is natural antifungal and antibacterial remedy. It also has a naturally fresh scent. Apply diluted lemon juice directly to underarms and other body parts to prevent odor during excessive sweating.

Baking Soda and Lemon

Baking Soda and Lemon Product 4 of 6

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

Baking soda and lemon combined create a natural deodorizer and anti-bacterial remedy that can be used to eliminated body odor. Combine baking soda with fresh lemon juice and apply mixture to underarms and other body parts to hide body odor.


Chlorophyll Product 5 of 6

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Oral

Chlorophyll acts as a natural internal deodorizer and antioxidant that helps to remove toxins from the body. Create a chlorophyll drink by mixing 1 tablespoon of chlorophyll in water and drinking it daily. The mixture will work to cleanse and eliminate odor from sweating.

Effectiveness Score


Method of use: Topical

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