Folliculitis is a skin condition where the hair follicles become infected. It’s a common ailment and not normally dangerous however, can be sore and itchy not to mention embarrassing in appearance. Untreated, folliculitis can develop into a serious infection that can result in permanent hair loss in the infected area as well as scarring. 1 2
Certain forms of folliculitis are known as barber’s itch, hot tub rash and razor bumps. Folliculitis is broken into severities; superficial and deep. This depends on the extent of infection and how far the infection extends from the hair root and into deeper dermis layers. 1
Folliculitis causes include from damage or blockage of the hair follicle. It then allows exposure to a bacteria known as Staphylococcus which infects the hair follicle at its root. It can also be caused by another bacteria called Pseudomonas aeruginosa which results from improper treatment of chlorine or bromine in water. 5
Folliculitis can also be caused by fungi, a virus or even ingrown hairs. 1 Common folliculitis causes also include: 1 2Turmeric is the most effective natural product for Folliculitis CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Vinegar can help treat folliculitis due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial health benefits. Using a cotton ball, apply warm white vinegar directly the scalp and all over affected areas. Leave on for up to 20 minutes then rinse. Repeat 1-2 times daily until symptoms subside.
Turmeric has several health benefits including being an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and an antibacterial agent. These combined make turmeric an excellent topical treatment for the scalp infection, folliculitis. Combine turmeric spice with warm water to create a paste. Apply directly to scalp and leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse. Continue daily for 1-2 weeks.
Garlic is a natural remedy to help treat folliculitis because of its anti-bacterial health benefits. Garlic can be taken to folliculitis by eaten it raw. Otherwise, you can also apply crushed garlic as a topical treatment to affected areas. Be cautious if applying to sensitive areas as garlic can cause a burning sensation.
Thyme is a natural herb that has antibacterial benefits that may help treat folliculitis. Applying thyme oil as a topical treatment may help to heal the sores and bumps. Apply several drops of thyme oil to affected areas and gently message the oil into the skin. Repeat as needed.
Tea tree oil is often used as a natural facial cleanser. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory health benefits that can help treat irritation and infection from folliculitis. Apply several drops of tea tree oil to affected areas. Or use a natural tea tree oil cleansing product daily.