Your ear canal refers to “the narrow passageway that conducts the sound collected by the ear auricle to the tympanic membrane (eardrum).”1 It includes the outer ear, or the visible portion of the ear; the middle ear, which is where the eardrum sits; and the inner ear, which contains the organ of balance called the cochlea.1 An itchy ear canal can be a sign of a bigger problem.
What Causes an Itchy Ear Canal?
An itchy ear canal is not a medical condition itself but is a symptom of an underlying health problem. Among itchy
Commonly, an itchy ear canal is a sign of an infection, such as swimmer’s ear. Swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa, is an infection of the outer ear canal typically caused when water remains in your ears after swimming, allowing bacteria to grow within the ear canal.3 This infection can also occur when foreign objects, such as cotton swabs or fingers, enter the ear and damage the skin within it.2 Placing foreign objects inside the ear, such as bobby pins or toothpicks, to scratch it, is never a wise decision as this can cause breaks in the skin that lead to more serious infections.4
Itchy Ear Canal Symptoms
An itchy ear canal is a symptom itself. Depending on the cause, it may be accompanied by other symptoms. Psoriasis patients, for example, will notice dry, rough skin patches in other areas of their body, most commonly on the scalp, lower back, groin, elbows, and knees.5 Individuals with swimmer’s ear may experience additional symptoms
In the advanced stages of swimmer’s ear, pain can become increasingly severe, ears may swell and completely block, and fever can occur.6
Treatment varies depending on the cause. In many cases, eardrops can help, although it’s best to consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment recommendations. Itchy ear canal can sometimes be treated at home through eardrops or rubbing alcohol. If you have an infection, however, placing rubbing alcohol in your ears will cause them to burn.4 Various herbal remedies can be used to ease the itching and discomfort.
Olive Oil is the most effective natural product for Itchy Ear Canal CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Olive oil can help to reduce irritation and inflammation in the ear canal. Add 1-2 drops of olive oil to ear canal 3 times daily.
Read what people are talking about this product click here.
Coconut oil is a natural remedy to reduce itchiness and irritation in the ear canal. Add 1-2 drops of coconut oil to the ear canal 3 times daily.
Garlic can help to reduce inflammation and prevent infection in the ear canal. Crush up one clove of garlic and mix with olive oil. Add mixture to ear canal using an ear dropper. Repeat twice daily.
Black cumin oil and tea tree oil combined can help treat irritation in the ear canal. Mix 2 drops each of black cumin oil and tea tree oil to ear canal using a dropper. Repeat twice daily.