Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the body’s blood-forming tissues, which includes the lymphatic system and bone marrow.1 Bone marrow is soft tissue in the middle of bones that produces new blood cells.2 There are several types of leukemia, including acute leukemia, where the cancer progresses quickly, and chronic leukemia, where it progresses slowly.2 In most cases, leukemia affects the white blood cells, which are an important part of your body’s immune system. Normally, they help fight off infection. In leukemia patients, however, the white blood cells don’t function properly.1
As healthy blood cells decline, leukemia patients can develop life-threatening symptoms.2 Leukemia treatment usually involves chemotherapy. This may also be used in combination with radiation therapy, bone marrow transplants, removal of the spleen, and interferon therapy.3 Most types of leukemia are unpreventable, but you can take leukemia herbal remedies to slow the disease progression and help ease symptoms associated with the condition and leukemia treatment.
Scientists can’t say for sure what leukemia causes are, but it’s thought to develop due to a variety of environmental and genetic factors.4 Risk factors include:
Early leukemia symptoms may include:
If you’ve been diagnosed with leukemia, you may undergo chemotherapy or other leukemia treatment options. To aid with treatment and help ease symptoms, consider taking the following leukemia natural remedies.
Grape Seed Extract is the most effective natural product for Leukemia CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Grape seed extract is an herbal treatment that can be used to target and kill leukemia cancer cells. Grape seed extract is available as a dietary supplement in liquid extract or in capsule form. Take between 150-300 mg of grape seed extract daily.
Green tea is a natural antioxidant and herbal remedy for leukemia. It has an active ingredient call catechin which helps to stop the spread of cancer cells. Use natural organic green tea bags to create an herbal tea infusion. Drink 1 cup per day. Or take green tea capsules twice daily.
Astragalus is a highly effective antioxidant which can help to fight cancer cells and reduce tumor growth. Astragalus is available as a supplement in tincture, capsules or tablets. Or use dried, shredded astragalus root to brew an astragalus root tea to drink daily.
Olive extract is a natural remedy for boosting the immune system and helping to fight leukemia cancer cells. Olive extract can be taken as a tea by using dried olive leaves. It is also available in capsule or liquid forms. Take 250–500 mg of olive leaf extract up to 3 times daily.
Ginseng has natural anti-cancer health benefits that can help destroy leukemia cancer cells. Ginseng is available in tea format to drink daily. Or take ginseng supplements in capsule or powdered forms 1-2 times per day following the product label directions.