Mastitis is an infection in the breast tissue. It can cause severe pain and swelling and even fever. Mastitis is most common in breastfeeding women, however, mastitis can also occur in women who aren’t breastfeeding. When mastitis occurs in breastfeeding women it’s referred to as lactation mastitis.1 Lactation mastitis occurs within the first 6-12 weeks after the woman has given birth, though it can also occur later on during breastfeeding.1 Though it’s a treatable condition, mastitis is typically considered uncomfortable and inconvenient as it causes the mother to be unable to care for her baby. However, continuing to breastfeed during mastitis is still possible for many women. By using mastitis natural remedies, new mothers can help to heal the infection, reduce symptoms and protect their baby’s health using safe home treatments.1
Mastitis causes typically stem from a bacterial infection from the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. The bacteria enters the skin through a crack or break in the skin, usually around the nipple. As the infection develops, it affects the fatty tissue of the breast and causes it to become inflamed and swell. The swollen tissue pushes against the milk ducts which causes painful lumps to form.2 Typically lactation mastitis causes are due to new mothers not using proper breastfeeding techniques. Improper breastfeeding can cause breaks in the skin or can block the milk ducts. When breasts don’t completely empty after feeding, it can cause the milk to backup which can lead to mastitis.1 Mastitis causes can be attributed to certain risk factors including:1
Mastitis symptoms typically occur during the weeks following starting breastfeeding. Mastitis symptoms typically include:1 2
These mastitis symptoms are often treatable using safe mastitis natural remedies that can reduce pain and inflammation and help heal the infection.
Coconut Oil is the most effective natural product for Mastitis CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Mastitis can be treated safely using coconut oil as a topical treatment. Massage coconut toil directly onto nipples to help heal wounds and reduce pain. Repeat multiple times daily as needed.
Wheat germ oil is a safe natural remedy for treating mastitis. Wheat germ oil has natural anti-inflammatory health benefits that can help reduce swelling and localized pain. Rub wheat germ oil onto breasts twice daily to help treat mastitis.
Flaxseed oil has natural anti-inflammatory health benefits that make it a safe and effective treatment for mastitis. Use flaxseed daily as a topical treatment by applying it directly to breasts to help reduce swelling.
Echinacea is an immune boosting natural remedy that can help treat and prevent a mastitis infection. Take 1/2 drop of Echinacea per pound of your body weight. Take this dose 3-5 times daily to help treat mastitis.
For a natural and safe remedy to treat mastitis, use a raw cabbage leaf and place it directly over the breast. The cabbage leaf will offer soothing relief of pain and inflammation caused by mastitis.