Acidosis is a condition that occurs when your body fluids are too acidic. 1,2 In a healthy body, the lungs and kidneys work to keep your body’s pH around 7.4. If a person’s body pH drops below 7.35, they have acidosis. 4
Acidosis is treatable. Without treatment, acidosis can lead to serious health issues including chronic kidney problems, impaired organ function, respiratory failure, shock, or even death. Acidosis is usually associated with lung disease, kidney disease, or diabetic ketoacidosis. 1,2
There are two main types of acidosis:
There is a link between metabolic acidosis and potassium and magnesium levels in the body. When potassium and magnesium are deficient, they cannot neutralize the acidity produced by
What Causes Acidosis?
There are multiple acidosis causes depending on the type of conditions. Respiratory acidosis causes include:
Metabolic acidosis causes include severe dehydration, diabetes or kidney disease. Because of the connection between acidosis and potassium, additional metabolic acidosis causes can include a potassium or magnesium deficiency. This often occurs in conjunction with dehydration and a buildup of lactic acid. 1
Acidosis Symptoms
Acidosis symptoms include fatigue, confusion, shortness of breath, sleepiness, and headache. Additional metabolic acidosis symptoms include jaundice, lack of appetite, and increased heart rate. 1,2
Natural Remedies and Herbs for Acidosis
Acidosis is a treatable condition that can often be managed using known acidosis natural treatments. The following are acidosis natural treatments for managing and preventing this condition:
Spinach is the most effective natural product for Acidosis CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
To help balance out acidity levels, eat a diet rich in spinach. Spinach has a high alkalinity level due to it's high magnesium content. Eat a minimum of serving of one cup of spinach per day. Eat dry and raw or blended into a juice.
Carrots are an alkaline vegetable that can help balance out acidity levels. Blend fresh carrots until they become liquid. Drink a minimum serving of one cup of carrot juice per day.
Though the pH levels of lemons are high, they are alkalizing to the body's acidity levels. Add lemons to your diet by adding 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into an 8 ounce glass of water. Mix in a half teaspoon of baking soda and drink once the foaming has subsided. Drink once per day.
Mix one cup of water with 1/2 tbsp of baking soda.