Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition where your saliva glands don’t produce enough saliva to moisten your mouth.1 It may not sound like a serious medical condition at first, but saliva is important for reducing bacteria in the mouth, preventing tooth decay, and aiding in digestion.1 Dry mouth can lead to issues in eating and speaking and can even cause sores and infection.2,3 Dry mouth can start as a simple annoyance but can eventually lead to dental health issues depending on the cause.
What Causes Dry Mouth?
Dry mouth is a common occurrence, but in some cases, it can become a constant nuisance that interferes with a person’s health and quality of life. You might be familiar with the feeling of dry mouth if you slept with your mouth open or are ill. However, other dry mouth causes can lead to more long-term issues in dental health. These common dry mouth causes include:2,3,4
Dry Mouth Symptoms
Dry mouth is characterized by a feeling of not having enough saliva in your mouth. Dry mouth symptoms also include:3,4
In minor cases, dry mouth can be treated by sipping on water, chewing gum, or sucking on hard candy.4 More serious conditions may require medications to treat dry mouth symptoms.5 A variety of dry mouth herbal remedies can also help fight discomfort. Individuals who experience frequent dry mouth should avoid tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine.4 If dry mouth persists, talk to your doctor about your symptoms as it may be a sign of a serious underlying condition.
Cayenne Pepper is the most effective natural product for Dry Mouth CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Cayenne pepper can help to activate salivary glands because of its spicy taste. Add some cayenne pepper spice to your mouth using a wet finger. Rub the cayenne pepper around your tongue until you feel your salivary glands activate.
Aloe vera can help to cool and cleanse a dry mouth feeling. Add some aloe vera gel to the inside of the mouth using a cotton swab. Or drink 1/4 glass of aloe juice daily.
Chamomile tea can help to soothe dry mouth. Drink 1 cup of chamomile tea daily when dry mouth symptoms occur.
Ginger root can help to relieve dry mouth symptoms. Cut up small pieces on ginger and chew on it when dry mouth occurs. Continue as needed until dry mouth passes.
Green tea can help alleviate discomfort of dry mouth. Drink 1 cup of green tea daily to stop dry mouth.
Drink homemade lemonade.