Diabetic neuropathies are a family of nerve disorders caused by diabetes or impaired glucose intolerance. In both these disorders, the body does not process glucose or blood sugar effectively and causes elevated blood sugar levels. Over time, this can damage nerve coverings or the blood vessels that bring oxygen to the nerves. Damaged nerves may stop sending messages, send messages more slowly, or send them at the wrong time. 1,2,3 Usually, diabetic neuropathy in feet and limbs are noticed as well as in the arms and hands. Nerve problems can progress to every organ system including the digestive tract, heart and sex organs. 2 Over 60 percent of people with diabetes develop some form of diabetic neuropathy. They are classified as: 1,2
Diabetic neuropathy causes are different for the different types of nerve damage but all are linked to prolonged exposure to high blood glucose or blood sugar levels. Factors other than direct diabetes disease which contribute to diabetic neuropathy include: 2,4
Diabetic neuropathy symptoms may include: 1,2,4
The following are some of the top diabetic neuropathy natural treatments to try at home:
Vitamin B is the most effective natural product for Diabetic Neuropathy CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
As a natural remedy for nerve conditions, Vitamin B nutrients can help support nerve function in patients experience diabetic neuropathy. Take Vitamin B supplements daily for nerve growth and repair. Specifically B1, B12, B6 and B3 (folic acid).
L-carnitine is an amino acid that can be used in the repair and treatment of nerve damage and pain. Take 100-300 mg doses of acetyl l-carnitine supplements a few times weekly. Follow the directions on product label for proper use.
To prevent the development of diabetic neuropathy, use apple cider vinegar as a remedy for blood sugar control. Apple cider vinegar can be taken orally or used as a topical treatment applied to the nerve pain site. Consume 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals daily.