Genital warts are a common sexually transmitted infection also referred to as genital warts HPV (human papillomavirus). While anyone can develop this infection, it is slightly more common to see genital warts in females than genital warts in men 1. Genital warts appear on the outer skin of the genital area. They often appear as small flesh-colored or pink bumps and clusters. Genital warts can also affect the mouth and throat if contracted through oral sex 1. Genital warts treatments are available as well as genital warts removal to help deal with the infection. Though it may require ongoing treatment, genital warts can be removed and the infection can be stopped 2.
Genital warts can appear in those who have contracted the genital HPV (human papillomavirus). HPV is the most common sexually transmitted disease affecting up to 50% of the sexually active adult population 1 . Genital warts caused by HPV is only one of approximately 100 different strains of HPV 2. Genital warts HPV (human papillomavirus) is generally caused by HPV strains 6 and 11 3. Genital HPV can often be killed off by your own immune without ever developing signs and symptoms 4.
Symptoms of genital warts in females include 5:
Symptoms of genital warts in men include 5:
Sometimes genital warts can be so tiny they cannot be seen by the naked eye. Genital warts can also appear on the lips, mouth, tongue and throat due to being contracted through oral sex.
Natural remedies for genital warts treatment and genital warts removal include:
Natural remedies for genital warts treatment and genital warts removal can be highly effective. Discuss any health concerns or home remedy treatments with your doctor.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is the most effective natural product for Genital Warts CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Applying this topically to the skin may give relief to the warts. It is often used as an oil for a multitude of different conditions. Apply the oil with a cotton ball to the wart at least once a day.
contains a chemical called thujone that can cause brain problems. Per WebMD
Applying a few cloves of crushed garlic to the genital warts and leaving it on for about an hour can help heal the condition. After the hour treatment, wash the area and pat dry. Do this at least once daily until the warts are gone.
This is frequently used as a topical tincture. Making the tincture is as simple as crushing up the plant and adding apple cider vinegar to it. Let it sit for a few weeks and then apply to the affected area with a cotton ball a few times a day.
Mixing fresh brewed green tea and vinegar is an effective treatment. Apply with a cotton ball and leave on for about an hour. After the hour is up, you can rinse the wart area and leave it to the air. This treatment can be done 3 times a day until the wart(s) are gone.