Candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast-like fungus named “Candida albicans”. It affects the mouth, skin, urinary tract, stomach, and vagina. 1,2 Oral infections, or candidiasis of the mouth, is usually called “thrush”. Thrush is common in infants, the elderly, and those with a weakened immune system like people with HIV/AIDS. 1,2, Genital or vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) is often called a “yeast infection”. At least 75 percent of women will suffer a yeast infection in their adult life. VVC can easily be cured with candidiasis home and natural treatments.1 Invasive candidiasis is a serious infection that invades the blood, bone, brain, heart, eyes, and other body parts. Candidemia is a serious bloodstream infection that commonly occurs in hospitalized patients. It is very dangerous and must be treated with antibiotics.2
Candidiasis causes are attributed to an overgrowth of Candida albicans. Normal amounts of candida occur in the mouth, stomach, and vagina and generally do not cause infections. When the yeast’s growth exceeds the body’s ability to control it, an infection breaks out.1 Some candidiasis outbreaks are caused by certain drugs like antibiotics, birth control pills, and corticosteroids. Pregnancy, being overweight, having a weakened immune system and diseases like diabetes and psoriasis also cause candidiasis.1 Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), candidiasis of the mouth, and candidiasis of the skin are the most common forms of infection.1,3
Candidiasis symptoms include:1,3
Vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and oral candidiasis can be relieved through home and natural treatments. They include:
Acmella Oleracea is the most effective natural product for Candidiasis CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Acmella orleracea is a natural and effective treatment for candidiasis. Acmella orleracea can be taken orally by consuming the fresh or dried plant flowers. Acemlla orleracea extract is also available to take orally. Take drops of acmella orleracea liquid extract as directed.
Consuming apple cider vinegar can help restore you r body’s pH balance to help fight fungal infections. Mix pure and raw apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and consume before each meal. Do this multiple times daily until symptoms subside.
Oregano oil home remedies can help prevent the growth and spread of Candida yeast. Oil of oregano is also an effective method for preventing yeast infections through its antibacterial health benefits. Oregano oil can be taken by mixing 3 drops into a glass of water and drinking it twice daily for up to a week.
Garlic is a natural yeast infection fighting remedy due to its natural antifungal health benefits. There are many ways to take garlic home remedies including adding more of it to your diet in cooked meals. Eat 2-4 raw garlic cloves per day or take garlic supplements in capsule form to fight infection.