Fever occurs when our bodies elevate our internal temperature in response to fighting off an infection. A normal body temperature is 98.2 degrees fahrenheit and anything above this could indicate fever. Having a temperature slightly above this normal level is a good indication that your body is naturally fighting off an infection which is a sign of good health1. Fevers generally go away within a few days2.
If body temperature elevates high enough to produce a fever over 102 degrees fahrenheit this is more concerning and you may need treatment. Treatment options including fever home remedies, may depend on the types of fever including fever in children and what is the cause of the fever.
Fever is caused when your body is elevating your internal temperature in order to combat an infection. Certain infections that cause fever include1,3:
Fevers that reach higher than 102 degree F may cause more serious symptoms and you will need to seek medical attention. Serious fever symptoms include1,4:
There are different types of fever treatment available including home care. Fever home remedies for fever in children and adults include:
If symptoms of fever persist or worsen after a few days, call you doctor immediately for infection and fever treatment.
Onion is the most effective natural product for Fever CuresDecoded worldwide community recommends
Applying a few slices of onion to the bottom of your feet may help to draw the fever out. Cover the feet with a sock after application as to not lose the onion around the house. The compounds in the onion may cool the body down from the feet up.
Taking a warm bath in vinegar may help reduce a fever. Simply put a few tablespoons in the water and mix it around. The compounds in the vinegar may reduce the heat of the fever. It can be repeated as often as needed as there are no side effects of vinegar.
Soak a pair of socks in white vinegar and then put them on the feet of the person with the fever.
Soak a pair of socks in egg whites and then put them on your feet. There are certain proteins in the egg whites that help to lower a fever. This can be done a couple times a day if needed. This is one of the lesser known remedies for fevers.
If a fever is above a certain range, see your doctor for help.